Monitoring and evaluation of development projects pdf files

Project evaluation can be defined as the process of. Monitoring is the collection and analysis of information about a project or programme, undertaken. Lines of credit have recently gained importance in afdb, but there is still a need to gain further knowledge on these types of projects in order to develop specific monitoring and evaluation guidelines, as the evaluation. They are critical tools for forwardlooking strategic positioning, organisational learning and for sound management.

These unfortunate realisations have put the onus on the development partners to demonstrate that. Monitoring and evaluation policy framework formatted. To present approaches to project monitoring and evaluation using the logframe. Introduction to monitoring and evaluation using the logical. Improving the monitoring and evaluation of agricultural. Development programmes and projects are implemented in a resultsbased management. In most cases, evaluation is not given emphasis in projects, as what is normally considered is monitoring. In both cases, sustainability of results has been lacking. Handbook on planning monitoring and evaluating for development. Improving the monitoring and evaluation of agricultural extension programs meas discussion paper series on good practices and best fit approaches in extension and advisory service provision dr. Dfid takes monitoring and evaluation of research uptake seriously and expects to see projects devoting resources to monitoring and evaluation from the outset of the programme rather than waiting until the end and reporting on what has been done dfid research uptake guidance, april 2016.

Guidelines for programme design, monitoring and evaluation. Monitoring and evaluation food and agriculture organization of. For more than 20 years, the development community has claimed that monitoring and evaluation helps projects achieve their objectives. Project programme monitoring and evaluation guide 2. Based on this identification of four levels in a project, project monitoring can be defined as the process of gathering information to compare the actual use of project inputs and completed outputs with the planned use of inputs and completed outputs. A manual on monitoring and evaluation for alternative. Purpose of evaluation evaluation has several purposes, which include the following. Highquality monitoring of information encourages timely decisionmaking, ensures project accountability, and provides a robust foundation for evaluation and learning.

Planning and implementing a project monitoring and evaluation system. In managing for impact in rural development a guide for project managers pp. All food assistance projects will support this monitoring and evaluation policy and the relevant rom program frameworks by developing and implementing a range of monitoring processes and structures including, a results framework o utlining the projects causal logic and the critical. Development food assistance projects food for peace. This study uses data from 1,300 world bank projects evaluated between 2008 and 2014 to investigate this suggested link between the quality of monitoring and evaluation and project performance. How to design a monitoring and evaluation framework for a policy. The cpd framework borrows a matrix table format from the mcan. The everchanging development landscape accompanied by the increased challenges of accountability, performance, quality standards and learning make this a timely publication for the monitoring and evaluation division. To explain the principles, objectives and processes of project monitoring and evaluation. Suganya hutaserani coleader, lead professional development evaluation email.

In order to fully understand the role of monitoring in development projects, some. Data collection monitoring and evaluation and data analysis group presentation, report write up and communicating results figure 1. Monitoring and evaluation in the development sector9 2014 kpmg international cooperative kpmg international. It is through the continuous monitoring of project performance that you have an opportunity to learn about what is working well and what challenges are arising. Scott bayley coleader, evaluation specialist email. Evaluation evaluation refers to the periodic midterm, final assessment and analysis of an ongoing or completed project. This publication, the handbook on monitoring and evaluating for results, a d d r e s s e s the monitoring and evaluation of development results.

Monitoring and evaluation for ad projects tools and methods for field test. As a pdf format, you can print this out, or type into it. Oversee the systematic and continuous data collection and analysis on the progress of activities over time and monitor results in terms of timeliness, quality, accuracy in line with project indicators. Monitoring helps project managers to understand whether the projects are progressing in schedule and to ensure that project inputs, activities, outputs and external factors are proceeding as planned. This tool briefly describes both monitoring and evaluation, and the distinction between the. Special evaluation study on postproject sustainability of.

Few organizations or donors have the capacity and resources to design a comprehensive performancemonitoring system. Program evaluation is designed to introduce the student to the principles, techniques and limitations of the monitoring and evaluation process. Monitoring is the collection and analysis of information about a project or programme, undertaken while the projectprogramme is ongoing. It can be used by a group of people, or by individuals working alone. A step by step guide to monitoring and evaluation university of. However, it will be a useful tool for anyone involved in monitoring and evaluation activities. Monitoring and evaluation for youth workforce development. Evaluation is the periodic, retrospective assessment of an organisation, project or programme that might be conducted internally or by external independent evaluators.

Monitoring and evaluation of programmes and projects itcilo. Profit monitoring and evaluation plan 2 section one. Monitoring is the collection and analysis of information about a project or programme, undertaken while the project programme is ongoing. It is intended to support country offices in aligning their monitoring and evaluation systems with rbm methodologyspecifically in tracking and measuring the performance of undp. The institute has introduced a number of tools to monitor progress towards results from the corporate to the individual levels. The monitoring and evaluation framework and system module 6. These tools include mediumterm strategic planning, resultsbased budgeting and. Reduction of poverty, protection of the environment, and promotion of equality, democracy and human rights are the principal goals of finlands development cooperation. To set out the key principles for developing indicators. A stepbystep primer on monitoring, benchmarking, and impact evaluation rebekka e. To highlight resultsbased monitoring and evaluation and the key steps for implementation. Put simply, evaluation by members of a project or organisation will help people to learn from their daytoday work. Pdf projects monitoring and evaluation information. It assists to determine the degree of achievement of the objectives.

Before going into detail about development of activity mel plans, ips need to understand the key terms and related definitions that are used in this plan. These guidelines are meant primarily for design, monitoring and evaluation of projects, but the basic principles are applicable in all types of cooperation. It also should be shared and utilized between all stakeholders and sent to donors. Monitoring and evaluation together provide the necessary data to guide strategic planning, to design and implement programmes and projects, and to allocate, and reallocate resources in better ways. Targets which can be supported by ict4d 79 annex 2 supplements 81 boxes box 1 senegal. Monitoring monitoring refers to the routine monitoring of project resources, activities and results, and analysis of the information to guide project implementation. Manpower project monitoring and program evaluation. Monitoring helps project managers to understand whether the projects are progressing in schedule and to ensure that project inputs, activities, outputs and external factors are proceeding as.

Measuring and monitoring program outcomes shapiro, j. As a manager, the school head must be able to balance the competing requirements of school improvements, teachers. It assesses the effectiveness of a piece of work, a project or a programme. The framework presented in this guidance note is intended to be used in a flexible manner depending on the purpose and characteristics of the research project. Ithe course also provides the students with handson experience in designing a model manpower monitoring and.

It keeps track of what you should monitor, when you should. Monitoring and evaluation policy framework 5 monitoring 10. Monitoring and evlauton basics monitoring and evaluation concepts monitoring is a continuous function that aims to provide profit staff and other players with early indications as to whether or not there is progress towards achievement of programme objectives. Introduction to monitoring and evaluation acknowledgments this modular monitoring and evaluation training course is the result of the best thinking and creativity of a large number of individuals throughout family health international fhi, both those in the field and those in the arlington office. To provide guidelines on the principal requirements of a successful project monitoring and evaluation system. Adapted from gage and dunn 2009, frankel and gage 2007. The meia policy and implementation framework sets the basis for monitoring and evaluation in the sector. Gruna a europe and central asia human development department, the world bank, washington, dc, usa.

One difference between a project and a resultsbased approach to development. The design and process of the training workshop on monitoring and evaluation for alternative development ad projects. Monitoring is the systematic and routine collection of information from. Monitoring and evaluation in the development sector. Monitoring evaluation timing monitoring is a continuing evaluation assesses the function that takes place entire project cycle.